I am here to help you uncover the courage to be the person you dream of being in the world.

So many of us spend our lives being who we think we should be or who people want us to be, living in constant worry about what others think and trying so hard to please everyone. We spend our time and energy doing what we have been told is expected of us, what we have learned is our role, and we live in fear of going our own way. We stay confined within the tiny parameters of what others say is possible or what we have told ourselves we are worth. We let our thoughts control our entire lives, and it is absolutely exhausting. Trust me—I know.

BUT THE TRUTH IS, we always have a choice.

What if you learned the tools to find complete clarity about who you really are, how you want to show up in the world, and what your unique gifts are in this lifetime? What would it look like to develop the courage to stop compromising yourself and to commit to the life that YOU want to live? What if you chose the complete freedom to let go of all that no longer serves you, moved toward only that which calls to you, and trusted your inner guide to lead the way?

How might it feel to live according to your soul?

(I just got some serious goosebumps!)

Close your eyes for a moment and just imagine. Imagine what your life would look like if you didn’t care what anyone else thought. For reals, close your eyes. Put your hand on your heart. Take a few deeps breaths in and out. Imagine just for this moment that anything is possible, that the Universe is working for you, and that you are LIMITLESS.

Because it is. And it is. And YOU ARE.

Whatever you saw, that is your pathway to BE you and to LOVE you and to step into an entire Universe of possibility. And that is this work. Coaching can help you find your way if you need a little help—and a whole lotta love.


WANT Freedom from:

  • Living in fear of the future, the unknown, of never feeling fulfilled
  • Worrying so much about what other people think and it is so freaking exhausting
  • Feeling so lost that you don’t even know where to start
  • Feeling like a shell of who you know you could be
  • A job you hate but feel completely trapped in because your dreams don’t seem possible
  • Feeling like a prisoner of your own body and can’t imagine ever being happy in your skin
  • Having shame that you need to share with someone but can't seem to find the courage
  • Feeling so f*cking critical of yourself that you just want to scream
  • Feeling so alone and different that no one could possibly understand what it’s like to be you
  • Constantly comparing yourself to others and feel less than all the damn time
  • Compromising yourself and your integrity for the approval of others
  • Constantly putting others before yourself and don’t even know who you are anymore
  • Anything along the lines of feeling alone, stuck, trapped, frustrated, scared, powerless, lost, angry, sad, worried, confused, anxious, aimless, terrified—you get me?


  • Feel PROUD of the person you see in the mirror and the way you have chosen to live your life
  • Live a life of compassion, unconditional self-love and acceptance for ALL of you
  • Follow your heart, your gut and your truth with everything, everyone and everywhere
  • Embrace the unknown and know that the Universe is designed to help you shine
  • Know that what everyone else thinks of you is absolutely none of your business—and be OK with that
  • Lift others up without competing or comparing, knowing that together, we shine brighter
  • Live in a world of possibility and abundance, having faith that all you need is within you
  • Have absolutely no secrets, living with a clear, open heart where shame is not welcome
  • Feel connected to your heart, soul, Spirit, nature, passion, purpose, people!
  • Take loving care of yourself so that you can be of service to those around you
  • Be generous and have boundaries, giving and receiving in complete integrity with everyone in your life
  • Create a life that brings you joy, peace and happiness, knowing that you are living out your divine purpose, and ABSOLUTELY ON FIRE FOR YOUR LIFE!

Sound familiar?

If and when you feel called to this work, I am here.